Kaden is unique, lol. For lack of a better term! Last night he and I had a very long argument regarding the vinyl clings on the patio doors. Now mind you ladies...I am not a vinyl cling fan to start with. My Mom bought these Halloween clings for Kaden two years ago...so we put them up. Well, he was FURIOUS with me for wanting to take them down last night. I explained I was taking ALL the Halloween stuff down. He didn't buy it. You see....we don't HAVE any thanksgiving clings. So WHAT were we to put on the windows??? GGGrrrr....
I realized it was his bedtime..and thought..OK, bedtime. He didn't let the cling discussion end...he rambled on for over an hour in his bed about it. I'm sure the "go to sleeps" numbered in the hundreds by the time he finally DID fall asleep.
I finished putting up my few thanksgiving items I had...amongst my fall that remained. I still think things look festive..and fallish!
So fast forward 8 or so hours. The child wakes up. WHAT do you think the FIRST thing out of his mouth was. And I mean the FIRST...the VERY first!! Mom we could still leave the BATS on the windows...cuz bats fly around at night. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! What did he do...dream about those crazy clings. I told him bats only fly around in the summer and it was to cold for them now. Hmmm...good come back without coffee...I thought anyway! So I'm thinking at least the thanksgiving decor would pacify him. Oh no...not at all. "Mom you don't have very much thanksgiving stuff. It doesn't look very nice. You need more stuff. And oh yes...here it comes...wait for it...oh yes...YOU NEED TO GET SOME STICKERS FOR THANKSGIVING FOR THE WINDOWS!!!! UGH. So I herd him into the kitchen for the sucker turkey, lol. I know he'll love that!! It's a wood turkey my Dad bought for my me years ago. Even though its really not prim, lol, my Dad is long gone...and as my sister says, "seeing as he went and died on us...now we HAVE to keep that turkey!" (yea I know we have an odd sense of humor!) What does he say..WHAT do you think..."I see you hav a turkey." Very flat..no affect at all. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? THAT'S IT???? No cool turkey, no can I have a sucker, no he's cute...just I see you have a turkey????? GGGRRR....
I'm going to go buy some thanksgiving clings on my lunch break tomorrow.
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10 months ago
Yes, I think you had better get some clings for Thanksgiving and you might as well get some Christmas ones too, LOL. Does Kaden have a mirror in his room? Maybe that would be a good place for his bats...