I can't believe it! My boys went to an auction. THEY went to one...before I ever did! It's a bit of a cute story.
Friday Zach called to see if Kaden wanted to come with him over the weekend sometime to get chickens. Of course Kaden thought that was a wonderful idea. So plans were laid...chickens were to be bought...and brothers were to share some bonding time.
Friday night we were invited to Zach's for burgers on the grill. This is one of the BEST parts of having your kids grow up. THEY invite YOU to dinner. YOU sit and relax..and THEY prepare and clean up. Hehee...My Mom was having a hard time doing this relaxing thing. Zach told her to get out of the kitchen and sit down. She said she felt bad doing that while he did all the work. My sister in law and I both giggled and said, "we don't!"
Later that night, after a delicious dinner, four wheeler rides, and a camp fire...we all snuggled in and watched Storage Wars. Yea...we know how to live it up!
Saturday came...no calls to go get chickens. Kaden spent the night with Zach. I went out with friends from high school! FUN TIMES!!
Sunday Morning was the morning...Zach and Kaden went to early church and then off they went on their chicken adventure. Kaden was thrilled because they got to take the old farm truck. "Mom..I get to ride in the rust old farm truck with black wheels!" Wow...exciting. This is when I find out they are actually going to an auction. Kaden could not wait. Off they went...One big blond head...and one little blond head in the rusty old farm truck to buy chickens! It really doesn't get any cuter than this!
Ninety minutes pass...I get a phone call...I can hear an auctioneer in the background. A little voice comes over the phone..."Mom...can we get a bunny. There is a really cute one here and I got to pet it." I can hear big brother giggling in the back ground. YES...apparently phone calls from little brothers cause big 26 yo brothers to giggle! "Ahhh...unless Zach wants to raise bunnies on the farm, no, Kaden, you can not get a rabbit. Nice one Zach!!!
A few more hours pass by...and I'm summoned to the farm. I arrive...a little worried...about what exactly would be there. Ahhh...thank you Dear God, only chickens. Ten chickens. All strutting around in a pen. Two boys with big grins on there faces just standing there watching the chickens. I am so thankful my boys are able to experience life on a farm. My ex in laws own the farm. So my big boys all were able to grow up on "the farm." It's taught them all so much. Now with Zach renting the house...Kaden is able to experience so much of it too. I LOVE that. Seeing those boys...standing there together..priceless!
The funniest part...the boys reaction to the auction. Kaden loved the fact that the auctioneer was saying.."boolahboolahoolahSOLDboolahboolahboolahSOLD" and repeated it many times during the night. Zachs reaction..."I'm glad we watched Storage Wars Friday night so I knew how to bid!"
I love my boys.
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10 months ago
Wonderful post, Katie! How wonderful for you to go have dinner and get to relax, instead of cooking and doing all the cleaning! Sounds like you did a great job raising your boys!
ReplyDeleteBear Hugs & Blessings~Karen
My pappy when he was alive and grandma used to go to the farm auction every week.Sometimes they bought sometimes sold but mostly just to socialize..Wonderful bonding times for the boys.Sounds like you all had a fun weekend! Hugs!~Amy
ReplyDeleteThis was the sweetest post. Zach is a wonderful son and big brother.
ReplyDeleteKatie, great, fun story! OLM
ReplyDeleteSweet brotherhood.. So nice..
Great post!So cute.
ReplyDeleteYou are blessed friend.
Hugs to you
No, no bunnies!!!! How fun to have farmer boys. Chickens and all hu? I love the images you displayed in this post. I bet you are bursting with pride. Now, get yourself to an auction. -Steph-
ReplyDeleteAhh, mommy gets a break, that's cool. I love chickens too. They are a lot of fun to watch.