Wow...I can't believe it's been a year and a half since I last posted. Heavens were has the time gone? I reread my last entry and just went WOW. Back "then" I was just talking about buying this house and needing bedrooms on the main floor. How far have I come. A new house, that I love, and new knees that I love even more have certainly changed my world. And the guess I need to update!
Jamie no longer works for Apple, or lives in New York. Can't say I'm sad about the New York thing...because we get to see him more again. Hes now started his own business in videography! He also works as a waiter...which cracks me up. Jamie doesn't exactly like kissing butt, lol!!!
Zach was promoted to Field Supervisor for the Department of Corrections. He supervises field agent for probation and parole. He is actually the youngest person ever in the department of corrections to hold this position!
Jordan is still in college, but will be graduating in December. He and his long time five year girlfriend have broken up. Which is heartbreaking for all of us. However it certainly gives Jordan a plethora of opportunity once he graduates. He won't have to feel he needs to stay here anymore.
Seth has graduated college and has an awesome job as an IT Specialist working for a large construction company in the area. He loves it. And the best part, they treat him /SO well! He flew to Ohio this week for work. Ive never gotten to fly anywhere for work, lol!!!
We have a new member to our family. Boots the cat. NEVER thought I'd own a cat. I dont like cats.....even a little. But I must admit, I kinda love her. And have changed my mind about those furry little critters.
I'm still working as a labor and delivery nurse and loving every minute. Last night I had the nicest family, and the most beautiful delivery. Contrary to popular belief, that seems to be the rare event lately. I actually sat down this am to give report to the AM shift and said, "THIS is why I love my job!"
Seth gave me a laptop for my birthday and mothers day. So I most certainly hope to be back in blog land more again! Can't wait to catch up on what everyone is doing.
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